
The ParaDao is to be seen as The Paradox Metaverse very own Decentralised Autonomous Organisation - or put simply PDAO and will be released in mid-2023. ParaDAO will be the only part of the Paradox Ecosystem in which there will be no central governing body. ParaDao will work to help The Paradox Metaverse game by being the brain that controls the limits within our metaverse game. Every member within the ParaDAO will have a say in decisions made and power will be distributed across all token holders and they will be able to cast votes on major decisions via the blockchain and all publicly viewable, so everyone is incentivised to act in the best interest of their fellow community members. This ability to express their opinions on major decisions within the Paradox Metaverse will be the leading utility of $PDAO and further to this, users who stake $PDAO will be able to earn up to 12% per year in returns based on the length of stake.

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