Farming on ParaSwap

How staking on ParaSwap works

On Paraswap Users will be able to swap Ethereum-based tokens like $Paradox effortlessly and instantly on our decentralised exchange, with very low fees for this service similar to other DEXs like PancakeSwap but lower than UniSwap and SushiSwap. This allows ParaSwap to charge a transaction fee of 0.2% of the total cryptocurrency a user is swapping over in our dex.

For example, if a user wants to swap $100 of USDT for $Paradox on Paraswap, It will instantly be done and you would be charged the Ethereum network gas fee of the current est. $19 and 0.2% of the total worth of the transaction for any user doing on its dex, for the swap is deposited into staking pools, to reward stakers where the swap took place. Current competitor's transaction fee is Base gas fee + 0.3% of your traded amount. Base gas fees are currently ~$19.

The Transaction fee of 0.15% is deposited into the pool where the swap took place to allow the average user to earn up to 40% in Farming rewards per year based on the amount and duration of the stake.

$Paradox Coin allows you to lock away for a period of time you choose to help support the liquidity in ParaDex our Decentralised Exchange.

Last updated